By gaining management skills and experience in supervising other divers, you will become a role model to divers all over the world. PADI Divemaster is the pre-requisite certification for both the PADI Assistant Instructor and PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor certifications.
The program consists of 3 sections:
1 Dive Theory
– Theory development includes knowledge reviews, lectures and two exams.
2 Waterskills and stamina Development
-400m swim/800m snorkel/100m tired diver tow/15min tread/rescue assessment/equipment exchange
– Skill circuit
– Workshop in reactivate, skin diver course, supervising snorkeling, DSD program, supervising certified divers
3 Practical Assessments with Student Divers
– Dive setup and management
– mapping project
– Dive briefings
– Search and Recovery scenario
-Deep dive scenario
As a PADI Divemaster you can:
- Work at local dive centers and resorts, live aboard dive boats,
- Assist PADI Instructors
- Lead certified Divers on dive tours
- Teach and certify PADI Skin Divers
- Teach PADI Discover Snorkeling programs
- Conduct PADI reactivate program
- Conduct DSD program in confined water
- Teach Emergency First Response programs once completed the instructor course
For more info contact us through email or call.
Duration course: 2 weeks.